The Bloom — cold brew

Kohana Coffee
Kohana Coffee Unveils Brand New Web Platform

Kohana Coffee Unveils Brand New Web Platform

The Kohana Coffee Company, the creator of the world’s only shelf-stable cold brew coffee, has launched a brand new web platform at and unveiled a host of online changes that reinvent the gourmet roaster’s user experience. The new platform serves up a unique marketing style and inviting appeal via a fresh, ultra-clean look whose light and airy feel reflects the brand’s unique Hawaiian origins. Visitors to the new site can now effortlessly explore its features, access original coffee-focused content, and enjoy a far more engaging digital encounter designed to encourage repeat visits and build strong consumer relationships. Supporting the new...

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Kohana Coffee
The Cold Truth About Cold Brew

The Cold Truth About Cold Brew

Cold brew is the hottest coffee in town. Nobody with their travel mug screwed on straight could possibly claim otherwise. But beyond this most basic of points, confusion abounds and misperceptions rage. Come follow the bouncing bean as we set the record straight about this coolest of coffees. Let’s begin by obliterating the myth that just won’t die: Cold brew coffee is not iced coffee. It’s a method of preparing coffee that can then be used to make iced coffee and hot coffee, too. Not all iced coffee is made from cold brew, and not all cold brew is used...

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Kohana Coffee
Coffee is Life

Coffee is Life

When it comes to healthy eating, kale gets all the press. But if the scientific buzz is right, there’s a whole lot of wellness waiting in our coffee cups, too, and while that sweet essence of sacred bean may not have the cachet of cruciferous vegetables, it still packs a serious jolt. And we’re not just talking caffeine blast either. Here are a few recent headlines that put coffee above the nutritional fold: Coffee fights cancer. It’s packed with antioxidants called polyphenols, and consumption has been linked to less prostate, breast, colorectal, and liver cancer. Coffee does waistlines right. Those...

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Kohana Coffee
The Art of Iced

The Art of Iced

I know, I know… it’s fall and the traditional end of iced coffee season. But not in my world. On Planet Maddie, there’s no day that can’t be made infinitely better by a fat frosty cup of caffeinated glory and a straw, and calendar be damned, you will take that cup from me when you pry it from my equally frigid dead hands. My only problem? Most cafes quit making the stuff this time of year, which leaves us diehards out on the cold when it comes to grabbing a cup on a whim. So we do what anybody with...

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